We offer worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM and the second Saturday of each month at 5:00 PM. Services follow the regular Lutheran worship setting and include hymns and canticles from the Lutheran Service Book. Communion is held every Sunday and Saturday service.
We ask that you sign the Guest Register just inside the entrance to the building.
We ask that you sign the Guest Register just inside the entrance to the building.
Holy Communion or Eucharist
The Sacrament of the Altar is celebrated so that the baptized people of God may respond to the Holy Spirit at work through the Word. Under the forms of bread and wine we receive the body and blood of Jesus. Our faith is strengthened and we are assured through this gift that our sins are forgiven and that we are members of his holy church. Believers who come forward offer themselves to God, and dedicate themselves to serving him with their words, their worship and their works. From him we receive benefits of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Children and youth who are uninstructed may come with their parents to the altar. They will receive a blessing from the pastor. Visitors who have no commitment to Christ, and have not received the gospel are asked to remain in the seats until this portion of the service is over. We pray for the time when you will be able to join us at "the feast of the lamb." Empty communion cups are to be placed in the small baskets on the wall to the left and the right side of the sanctuary. The several cups which contain grape juice (dark purple) are to be left for those who need them. Thank You. |
Children in Worship
Our children belong in church on Sunday mornings. They learn to sit quietly for a little while and develop their attention spans as they grow. It can be done. Easy? Who said parenting was supposed to be easy? But remember you are among friends, many of whom have fond memories of this time themselves. Activity bags are available with coloring pages, paper and crayons for our little artists - ask an usher.
Congregational 'Voters' Meetings
Prince of Peace is a self-governing member congregation of the New Jersey District, LCMS. Quarterly, our members attend congregational Voters Meetings after service.
Every U.S. citizen is entitled to vote in local and national elections, but the ability to do so is not automatic; a citizen must first register with the Board of Elections. To become a POP voter, a 'communing" POP member must first declare his or her intention to become a Voter at a meeting of the congregation. He/she shall receive the Constitution and By Laws of the congregation at that time. The congregation may receive this member at a subsequent meeting by a vote of the assembly, then he/she shall sign the constitution. |